- Shops in HK close only one to two days a year. Those two days being Chinese New Year. Yes, Shops even open on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, National Day and Easter. So I encourage any shopaholics who live in horrible countries where shops don't open during holidays to visit Hong Kong!
- Shops in HK open before 12 noon, and close at a really lovable time, depending on location. In Central, which is the business district, shops close at 7-8pm. In Causeway Bay, which is the young people and shopping district, shops close at 10-12pm! Isn't that wonderful! This is why HK is a wonderful shopping place compared to other really lazy countries!
- Shopping is TAX FREE! It is absolutely fabulous! I mean, can you imagine how much less stress it is to shop without subconcsiously adding on the tax rate onto the price? Not to mention the prices for the exact same products are always cheaper in HK, even if the product is an import!
- Shops are always huddled in air-conditioned, well lit and posh-looking indoor shopping malls. And these malls are certainly not stranded in some wilderness, unlike a few horrible American outlets I have been to.

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